1.tIt goes without saying that we cannot ignore the fact that English is an international language, and it plays a vital role in our personal and professional lives. (當然,不容忽視的是,英語是一門國際語言,在我們的生活和工作中扮演著至關重要的角色。)
2.tWhen it comes to education, we must ensure that our students are not only receiving a quality education, but also the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in a global society. (說到教育,我們必須確保我們的學生不僅接受到優質的教育,而且還掌握在全球社會中成功所需的技能和知識。)
3.tIt is only natural that we should respect the elderly and take care of them, as they have made many sacrifices and contributions for our generation. (我們理所應當尊重和照顧老年人,因為他們對我們的這一代人做出了許多犧牲和貢獻。)
4.tWith the rapid development of technology, we are constantly amazed by the innovative ways in which people use technology to improve their lives and make better connections with others. (隨著技術的快速發展,我們不斷驚嘆于人們使用技術改善生活和與他人建立更好聯系的創新方式。)
5.tYoung people should be encouraged to pursue their dreams and passions, rather than following a pre-determined path that may not align with their interests and abilities. (應該鼓勵年輕人追求自己的夢想和激情,而不是追隨預先確定的路徑,因為它可能與他們的興趣和能力不一致。)
1. 掌握常用句型英語寫作中有很多常用的句型,比如:herefore、however、moreover等等。這些詞語可以使文章更加有條理、有層次感,也能增加文章的可讀性。例如:Therefore, we ca see ha he Iere has brough coveiece o our lives.
2. 使用復雜句式在英語作文中使用復雜句式可以體現出一個人的英語水平。例如:If we cosider he problem of polluio from a wider perspecive, we ca see ha i is urge o ake measures o proec he evirome.
3. 表達個人觀點在英語作文中要善于表達自己的觀點和態度。例如:I my opiio, I hik ha he goverme should ake more resposibiliy o proec he evirome.
4. 舉例子在英語寫作中,舉例子是非常重要的一種論證方法。例如:For example, may people use he Iere o search for iformaio, shop ad commuicae wih frieds ad family.
5. 適當使用連接詞在英語寫作中,連接詞可以使文章更加連貫。例如:Firsly, secodly, fially; i addiio, moreover, herefore...