1. In conclusion, it is important to recognize that...認識到......的重要性是必要的。
2. It is clear that...顯然,......是明確的。
3. One thing that is certain is that...有一件事是肯定的,那就是......
4. The main takeaway from this discussion is that...這次討論的主要收獲是......
5. It is important to note that...值得注意的是......
6. In the final analysis, it is safe to say that...在最后的分析中,可以肯定地說......
7. The bottom line is that...最重要的是......
8. Based on the evidence provided, we can confidently assert that...根據提供的證據,我們可以自信地斷言......
9. The key lesson learned from this experience is that...從這次經歷中學到的關鍵教訓是......
10. Going forward, it is essential to recognize that...展望未來,認識到......是至關重要的。
1. 強調主題
We should o oly focus o he problems, bu also recogize he opporuiies ha lie ahead.(我們不僅需要關注問題,還要認識到前方的機遇。) I is o oly wha we have, bu also wha we are ha cous.(重要的不僅是我們擁有什么,而且是我們成為什么樣的人。)
2. 概括全文
The experiece has augh me ha we cao judge a perso by heir appearace aloe.(這次經歷讓我認識到,我們不能僅僅從外表來判斷一個人。) The mai message of his aricle is ha we should o igore he imporace of educaio.(本文的主要信息是,我們不能忽視教育的重要性。)
3. 引發讀者思考
Have you ever sopped o cosider he impac of your acios o ohers?(你是否曾經停下來思考過你的行為對別人的影響?) Wha would happe if we pu aside our differeces ad worked ogeher?(如果我們拋開分歧,攜手合作,會發生什么?)
4. 重申立場
I remai firmly commied o he view ha educaio is he key o success.(我仍然堅信教育是成功的關鍵。) I firmly believe ha we eed o recogize he imporace of educaio ad ac ow o esure is accessibiliy o all.(我堅信我們需要認識到教育的重要性,并立即行動起來確保所有人都能夠接受教育。)
5. 呼應開頭
This brigs us back o he begiig - he imporace of educaio cao be oversaed.(這讓我們回到了開始的話題——教育的重要性怎么強調都不為過。) As we close his aricle, le's o forge he iiial premise - we all have a role o play i shapig our fuure.(在我們結束這篇文章的時候,讓我們不要忘記最初的前提——在塑造我們的未來中,我們每個人都有發揮作用。)