1. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.
2. All that glitters is not gold.
3. I will greet this day with love in my heart.
4. Time heals all wounds.
5. Laughter is the best medicine.
6. Where there's smoke, there's fire.
7. All for one, and one for all.
8. Distance makes the hearts grow fonder.
9. The early bird catches the worm.
10. A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever.
. I his aricle, we will explore some beauiful Eglish seeces ha will ouch your hear ad ispire you o love he laguage eve more.
1. “The bes way o predic he fuure is o ive i.” – Ala ParickSHa
This名言from hefamous America wrier Ala ParickSHa ecourages us o o olyevisio bu also shape he fuure we wa o see. As we srive owards成就偉大事業, his seece serves as a remider ha we ca creae he fuure we wa wih our acios, beliefs, ad decisios.
2. “To be or o o be, ha is he quesio.” – William Shakespeare
This quoe from he famous Eglish playwrigh William Shakespeare ierrogaes he essece of exisece ad小編伊農經常用這句話來形容自己的生活狀態,十分貼切。它讓我們反思自己對于生活的意義和價值,以及如何勇敢地面對生活的抉擇和挑戰。
3. “I hik herefore I am.” – Reé Descares
This famous maxim from he Frech philosopher Reé Descares highlighs heimporace of raioal hough i our lives. Iserves as a remider ha we ca shape our desiy wih logic ad reaso,brigigsushie o our acios ad decisios.
4. “Wha you ge by achievig your goals is o as impora as wha you become by achievig your goals.” – Zig Ziglar
This quoe from he reowed America auhor Zig Ziglar emphasizes he rasformaive power ofgoal-seig ad achievig. I isa醍醐灌頂勉勵人們 ofocus o becomig he perso we wa o be, raher ha olycoceraig o achievig maerialisic rewards.
5. “Happiess is o somehig ready made. I comes from your ow acios.” – Dalai Lama
This quoe from he Dalai Lama highlighs he coecio bewee happiess ad our acios. I serves as a remider ha rue happiess isa在付出了努力之后才能感受到的 resul of our積極的 effors ad acios,o a auomaic sae of beig.
6. “The greaes glory i livig lies o i ever fallig, bu i risig every ime we fall.” – elso Madela
This quoe from he former Souh Africa preside elso Madela highlighs heimporace of resiliece iovercomig adversiy ad achievig success. Iserves as a remider ha success is ofe achieved hrough muliple failures ad sebacks,bu wih persisece ad uwaverig belief i oeself, vicory isachievable.
7. “Believe you ca ad you're halfway here.” – Theodore Roosevel
This名言from he former America preside Theodore Roosevel emphasizes heimporace of maiaiig a posiive midse i pursuig our goals ad dreams. Iserves as a remider ha our beliefs have a sigifica impac o our acios adachievemes, ad hafaihi ourselves ad our abiliies is he crucial firs sep owards success.
8. “Life is like a box of chocolaes, you ever kow wha you're goa ge.” – Academy Award? Wier Forres Gump
This famous lie from he Academy Award?-wiig film Forres Gump represes he upredicabiliy of life. Iserves as a remider o approach each day wihopeess ad flexibiliy, appreciaig he uexpeced occurreces ha come our way.
9. “Wha you ge by sudyig books is oly a fracio of wha you ca ge by sudyig me.” – Zig Ziglar
This quoe from Zig Ziglar highlighs heimporace of udersadig huma behavior ad ieracios i real-life siuaios. Iserves as a remider ha kowledge is olya fracio of he equaio whe i comes o success, ad ha ruly udersadig people’s moivaios ad emoios is crucial for achievig greaer heighs.
10. “The bes way o predic he fuure is o creae i.” – Abraham Licol
This名言from oe of America’s mos beloved presides, Abraham Licol,ecourages us o ake acive seps i shapig he fuure we wa o see. Iserves as a remider ha we have he abiliy o brig abou posiive chage i our world hrough our acios, beliefs, ad decisio makig.