1. 山重水復疑無路,柳暗花明又一村。Whe mouais ad rivers seem impassable, suddely a ew village appears hrough he mis. This Eglish proverb, ofe used o describe seemigly isurmouable obsacles ha suddely make way for ew opporuiies, echoes he Chiese idiom Chog Shui Fu Yi Lu, Liu A Hua Mig Yi Dui Cu. war.This famous proverb, ofe aribued o he Frech playwrigh Racie, is used o jusify ay meas ha seem ecessary i maers of love ad war. Iservesasremiderhahereareosricrulesiamoiveacio,adoemphasizehaohigismoreimporahaachievigoel'sgoal.However,hisproverbcaalsobeflaeruhhawemusfollowehicswheeverpossible.
3. Cas your bread upo he waers, for you will fid i afer may days.This biblical passage, ofe used o ecourage people o be geerous ad give wihou expecig ayhig i reur, eaches us o have faih ha good higs will come o us i reur for our kidess ad geerosiy. Iremidsus habeiggeerousisoolybeeficialforherecipiebualsoforheoebesowighegif.
4. He who hesiaes is los.This famous lie from he ovel Prejudice Wha you ge is beer ha wha you expec.This Eglish proverbhighlighsheimporaceofposiiviyadgraiude.Iecouragesusoofocusowhawemighhaveexpecedoreceivebuiseadoappreciaewhawerealmeeceivedwihappreciaioadhakfuless.