1.If we the acknowledgement failure too and generously, may can't make the oneself discover us to near to very much in the exactitude.---The ? a 普爾 of Carl 2. Difficult also is such, face the precipice,100 years also can not tell that 1 is sew, but digs with the ax, can enter an inch to enter one inch, have to enter a Chinese foot of enter one Chinese foot, continuously backlog, leap necessarily, break immediately.---The 華 Luo's G( China) 3.I really want to invent a kind of characteristic or machines that has the so terrible and large-scale destructive power, with as for the war will therefore change into the impossible affair forever.---Nobel( Sweden) 4.Only obey the nature, then can control the nature.---Bacon( England) 5.The ocean of the truth, let the whole thing lie-downs that don't discover at my at present, allow I explore.---Newton( England) 6.The advantage of the mistake of 謬 is a fit of, the advantage of the truth is permanent;The truth contain corrupt practice, these corrupt practices are very quick and then will exterminate of, but the corrupt practice of mistake of 謬 is then is always and mutually with mistake of 謬 with.---Virtuous Luo( France) of 狄 7.Any holds the person of light-minded attitude to the truth on the small matter, is also a not enough letter on the important event of.---Einstein( the United States) 8.The person's man's natural duty at brave quest the truth.---Copernicus ( Poland)9.I do not know the person of the in this world to how I evaluate.我卻這樣認為:我好像是在海上玩耍,時而發現了一個光滑的石子兒,時而發現一個美麗的貝殼而為之高興的孩子。
For all that, the ocean of that truth still emerges in our in front mysteriously.---Newton( England) 10.The inspiration of science, will never sit etc. and can wait to come.If say, the scientific detection have what accidental opportunity, so this kind of accidental of opportunity only can give those persons who learn to have the cultivated manners, give those be good at the independent thinking of person, give those have to chisel incessantly of the persons of the spirits, but will not give the lazy 漢 .---The 華 Luo's G( China) 11.A scientist should in consideration of the commentary of the future generations, need not consider to insult and humiliate or praise at that time.---The 巴斯 is virtuous( France) 12.We are enjoying the invention of the others to huge advantage that we bring, we also must take pleasure in to go to with own invention to serve for the others.---Franklin( the United States) 13.My life philosophy is a work, I want to announce to public the great universe mysterious, behaving the type to bring benefit to.---Edison( the United States) 14.I am lifetime to did not do to lead once from the beginning the accidental invention.我的一切發明都是經過深思熟慮和嚴格試驗的結果。
---Edison( the United States) 15.Develop the general ability of the independence thinking and independence judgment, should put always at first, but shouldn't be acquire the professional knowledge to put at first.如果一個人掌握了他的學科的基礎理論,并且學會了獨立地思考和工作,他必定會找到他自己的道路,而且比起那種主要以獲得細節知識為其培訓內容的人來,他一定會更好地適應進步和變化。
---Einstein( the United States) 16.Everything reasons logically and must get from the observation and experiment.---Galileo( Italy) 17.To master to do the heavy manual labor in science.要研究事實,對比事實,積聚事實。
---The 巴 is just the man of 洛 ( Russia) 18.My those the most important detections are apocalypses that is subjected to fail but make.---Wear the 維 ( England) 19.Thankful God did not result in me a clever of craftsman.我的那些最重要的發現是受到失敗的啟發而獲得的。
---Wear the 維 ( England) 20.I insist that fight more than 50 years courageously, concentrate on the development of science.用一個詞可以道出我最艱辛的工作特點,這個詞就是“失敗”。
---Tom is lousy 21.Say towards making the person of science come, the diligence is a successful mother.---茅 With rise( China) 22.The sport is the whole life spring.---Reach the aroma of ? strange( Italy) 23.The foundation of science is a healthy body.---Reside in the madam( France) 24.Without by luck and this time the matter, the most accidental accident, seem to also is all to have the inevitability.---Einstein( the United States)有點中文
---(東) ●勞動生產力著科學和技術的不斷進步而不展的----(馬克思) ●歷史上生產資料,都是同一定的科學技術相結合的;同樣,歷史上的勞動力,也都是掌握了一定的科學技術知識的勞動力。
----(鄧小平) ●沒有掌握技術的人才,技術就是死的東西。
---(斯大林) ●每一門科學都曾經遭到排斥---(莫格索爾) ●魔術,以及人們傳說的它的一切神奇之點,其實就是對于科學的能力的一種深沉的預感。
--(愛獻森) ●人借助科學,就能糾正自然界的缺陷---(梅契尼科夫) ●人類的整個發展取決于科學的發展,誰除非科學的發展,誰就阻礙了人類的發展。
---(弗希特) ●任何科學上的雛形,都有它雙重的形象:胚胎時人丑惡,萌芽時的美麗。
---(雨果) ●如果像你所斷言的,技術在很大程度上依賴于科學狀況,那么 科學狀況卻在更大的程度上依賴于技術的狀況和需要。
---(恩格斯) ●生產力也包括科學---(馬克思) ●誰要能使本來只出產一串谷穗、一片草葉的土地長出兩串谷穗、兩片草葉來,誰就比所有的政客更有功于人類,對國家的貢獻就更大。
---(斯威夫特) ●四個現代化,關鍵是科學技術的現代化。
---(鄧小平) ●它(科學)是社會變革的力量---(貝爾納) ●為了照亮地球深處,在黑暗之中看到蘊藏豐富的礦產資源,科學之燈是必須的。
---(門捷羅夫) ●我在科學方面所作出的任何成績,都只是由于長期思索、忍耐和勤奮而獲得的。
---(達爾文) ●要提倡科學,靠科學才有希望。
---(鄧小平) ●藝術和科學的價值在于沒有私欲的服務,在于為萬人的利益服務。
---(羅斯金) ●短淺的眼光限制了我們,使我們不相信重力、化學及植物等科學的法則。
---(愛獻生) ●對于科學,敵人比朋友還多。
---(日本) ●反復地推斷,無休止地修正,就能在科學上取得勿容置疑的進步。
---(杜克洛克斯) ●假如良好的判斷力不能駕馭科學,那么科學就是一種瘋狂。
-----(西班牙) ●科學,細心地玩味起來,并不是別的,而是正確的判斷力和理解力。
---(斯坦尼斯瓦夫) ●科學不會舍棄真誠愛它的人們---(季米里亞席夫) ●科學不能或者不愿影響到自己的民族以外是不配做科學的。
----(普朗克) ●科學不問現在和過去,是對一切可能存在事物的觀察,預見雖然是漸進的,然而它是對即將發生事物的認識。
---達?芬奇) ●科學的敵人不比朋友少----(土耳其) ●科學的進展是十分緩慢的,需要爬行才能從一點到達另一點。
----(丁尼生) ●科學的歷史,從某種意義上說,就是錯覺和失敗的歷史,是偉大的頑愚者以笨拙和低效能進行工作的歷史。
---(寺男寅彥) ●科學的全部目的,就是有意識地取得大自然無代價的賦予青春的一切。