英文]:Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions form insufficient premises.[中文]:生活是一種藝術,要在不充足的前提下得出充足的結論.[出處]:S.Butler 勃特勒[英文]:Life is sweet.[中文]:人生是美好的.[英文]:Life is fine and enjoyable, yet you must learn to enjoy your fine life.[中文]:人生是美好的,但要學會如何享用美好的生活.[英文]:Life is real, life is earnest.[中文]:人生真實,人生誠摯.[出處]:H.W.Longfellow 朗費羅(美國詩人)[英文]:Life is compared to a voyage.[中文]:人生好比是一次航程.[英文]:Life would be too smooth if it had no rubs in it.[中文]:生活若無波折險阻,就會過于平淡無奇.[英文]:Life means struggle.[中文]:生活就是斗爭.[英文]:Life is but a hard and tortuous journey.[中文]: 人生即是一段艱難曲折的旅程. 人生無坦途.[英文]:Life is a horse, and either you ride it or it rides you.[中文]:人生像一匹馬,你不駕馭它,它便駕馭你.[英文]:Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can.[中文]:人生是一幅大畫布,你應該努力繪出絢麗多彩的畫面.[英文]:Life is like music. It must be composed by ear, feeling and instinct, not by rule.[中文]:人生如一首樂曲,要用樂感,感情和直覺去譜寫.不能只按樂律行事.[英文]:Life is painting a picture, not doing a sum.[中文]:生活是繪畫,不是做算術.[出處]:O.W.Holmes 霍姆斯[英文]:Life is a leaf of paper white, thereon each of us may write his word or two.[中文]:生活是一張白紙,每個人都在上面寫上自己的一兩句話.[出處]:A.Lowell 洛威爾[英文]:On earth there is nothing great but man; in the man there is nothing great but mind.[中文]:地球上唯一偉大的是人,人身上唯一偉大的是心靈.[出處]:A.Hamilton 哈密爾頓[英文]:Everything ought to be beautiful in a human being: face, and dress, and soul, and ideas.[中文]:人的一切—-面貌,衣著,心靈和思想,都應該是美好的.[出處]:Chekhov 契訶夫[英文]:All things in their being are good for something.[中文]:天生我才必有用.[英文]:The good or ill of man lies within his own will[中文]:人的善良或邪惡都存在于他自己的意志之中.[出處]:[古希臘]Epictetus 愛比克泰德[英文]:He is born in a good hour who gets a good name.[中文]:生逢其時,美譽自至.[英文]:Life is just a series of trying to make up your mind.[中文]:生活只是由一系列下決心的努力所構成.[出處]:T.Fuller 富勒[英文]:Live as though you intend to live forever, and work as though your strength were limitless.[中文]:要這樣生活,仿佛你壽命永恒.要這樣工作,仿佛你精力無窮.[出處]:S.Bernhardt 伯恩哈特(法國女演員)[英文]:To live remains an art which everyone must learn, and which no one can teach.[中文]:生活是一種人人須學而無人能教的藝術.[出處]:H.Ellis 埃利斯[英文]:Life is a foreign language: All men mispronounce it.[中文]:生活是一種外語,誰都發不好它的音.[出處]:C.D.Morley 莫利[英文]:Life has taught me to think, but thinking has not taught me to live.[中文]:生活教會了我思考,但思考卻沒有教會我生活.[出處]:A.Herzen 赫爾岑(俄國作家,哲學家)[英文]:I wept when I was born, and every day shows why.[中文]:人生道路艱難困苦,難怪嬰兒出世就哭. \\\/我方出世,哭泣不止,為何如此,日月自知.[英文]:Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people.[中文]:困難坎坷是人們的生活教科書.[英文]:The proper function of man is to live, not to exist.[中文]:人的正確功能是生活,而不是生存.[出處]:Jack London 杰克.倫敦(美國小說家)[英文]:I slept and dreamt that life was beauty; I woke and found that life was duty.[中文]:夢里見到人生無比美麗,醒時發現義務即是人生.[出處]:[英文]:One should eat to live, not live to eat.[中文]:人生應為生而食,不應為食而生.[出處]:Socrates 蘇格拉底[英文]:Live not to eat, but eat to live.[中文]:不要為了吃飯活著,而要為了活著吃飯.[英文]:I eat merely to put food out of my mind.[中文]:我吃東西只是為了不再去想食物.[出處]:N.F.Simpson 辛普森[英文]:Life lies not in living but in liking.[中文]:生活的意義并不在于活著,而在于愛好人生.[出處]:[英文]:The unexamined life is not worth living.[中文]:渾渾噩噩的生活不值得過.[出處]:Socrates 蘇格拉底[英文]:Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.[中文]:生活就像洋蔥頭:你只能一層一層地把它剝開,有時你還得流淚.[出處]:C.Sandburg 桑德堡[英文]:Life consists not in holding good cards, but in playing well those you hold.[中文]:生活不在于握有一手好牌,而在于把手里的牌打好.[出處]:J.Billings 比林斯[英文]:Life is not all beer and skittles.[中文]:人生并非只是啤酒和九柱戲. \\\/人生并不全是吃喝玩樂.[出處]:T.Hughes 休斯(英國作家)[英文]:For man is man and master of his fate.[中文]:人就是人,是自己命運的主人.[出處]:A.Tennyson 丁尼生[英文]:You are not in charge of the universe; you are in charge of yourself.[中文]:你并不掌管整個宇宙,但你得掌管你自己.[出處]:A.Bennett 本涅特[英文]:There is a history in all men’s lives.[中文]:所有人的生活里都有一部歷史.[出處]:Shakespeare 莎士比亞[英文]:There’s only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that’s your own self.[中文]:宇宙中只有一芥之地你肯定可以改善,那就是你自己.[出處]:A.Huxley 赫胥黎[英文]:The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.[中文]:生活中最大的幸福是堅信有人愛我們.[出處]:[法]V.Hugo 雨果[英文]:Have an aim in life, or your energies will all be wasted.[中文]:人生應該樹立目標,否則你的精力會白白浪費.[出處]:R.Peters 彼得斯[英文]:The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it.[中文]:人生重要的在于確立一個偉大的目標,并有決心使其實現.[出處]:Goethe 歌德[英文]:None is of freedom or life deserving unless he daily conquers it anew.[中文]:只有每天再度戰勝生活并奪取自由的人,才配享受生活或自由.[出處]:[荷蘭]Erasmus 伊拉斯漠[英文]:What makes life dreary is the want of motive.[中文]:沒有了目的,生活便郁悶無光.[出處]:George Eliot 喬治.埃略特[英文]:Don’t believe that winning is really everything. It’s more important to stand for something. If you don’t stand for something, what do you win?[中文]:不要認為取勝就是一切,更重要的是要有信念,倘若你沒有信念,那勝利又有什么意義呢?[出處]:Lane Kirkland 萊恩.柯克蘭[英文]:He will shoot higher who shoots at the moon than he who aims at a tree.[中文]:瞄準月亮的人總比瞄準樹的人射得高. \\\/目標遠大,效果必佳.[英文]:Hitch your wagon to a star.[中文]:把你的馬車拴到星星上. \\\/要胸懷大志.[英文]:We are not born for ourselves.[中文]:人之有生,不為一已.[英文]:As long as you live, you should be man useful to the people. \\\/Be useful to the people all your life.[中文]:活著就要做一個對人民有用的人.[英文]:Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.[中文]:只有為別人而活,生命才有價值.[出處]:A.Einstein 愛因斯坦[英文]:He is unworthy to live who lives only for himself.[中文]:只為自己活著的人,不值得活在世上. 英文]:Half the pleasure of life consists of the opportunities one has neglected.[中文]:生活的一半樂趣由一切被忽略掉的機遇組成.[出處]:O.W.Holmes 霍姆斯[英文]:To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness.[中文]:有些東西你想要而沒有,這是幸福不可缺少的一個部分.[出處]:B.Russell 羅素[英文]:Something attempted, something done.[中文]:有所嘗試,就等于有所作為.[出處]:Longfellow 朗費羅[英文]:Let that which is lost be for God.[中文]:失去的東西就別想它了. \\\/失去的東西就算獻給上帝了.[英文]:The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, make them.[中文]:在這個世界上取得成功的人,都努力去尋找他們想要的機會,如果找不到時,他們就自己創造機會.[出處]:Bernard Shaw 蕭伯納[英文]:Victory won’t come to me unless I go to it.[中文]:勝利是不會向我走來的,我必須自己走向勝利.[出處]:M.Moore 穆爾[英文]:To be or not to be: that is the question.[中文]:生與死是至關重要的問題.[出處]:Shakespeare Hamlet 莎士比亞{哈姆雷特}[英文]:Life is long if you know how to use it.[中文]:只要你善于利用它,生命就是長久的.[出處]:Seneca 塞內加[英文]:Everyone must die; let me but leave a loyal heart shining in the pages of history.[中文]:人生自古誰無死,留取丹心照汗青.[出處]:Wen Tianxiang 文天祥[英文]:Life is for one generation, a good name is forever.[中文]:生命只有一代之久,而美名永存于世.[英文]:We are such stuff as dreams are made on.[中文]:人生如夢幻.[出處]:Shakespeare 莎士比亞[英文]:Conquer the fear of death and you are put into possession of your life.[中文]:征服對死的恐懼,你就占有了生命.[出處]:G.Meredith 梅瑞狄斯[英文]:He that leaves a name behind him does not die.[中文]:身后留名的人萬世永存.[英文]:Do not try to live for will not succeed.[中文]:不要幻想永遠活下去,你不會成功的.
Food for thought 發人深省的東西As American as apple pie 就像蘋果派一樣具有美國特色,正宗美國風味,地道美國Apple of my eye 掌上明珠Have your cake and eat it too 魚與熊掌可以兼得It's icing on the cake 這真是錦上添花,好上加好Don't put all your eggs in one basket 不要孤注一擲
——(英國戲劇家、詩人)莎士比亞朱熹 :飲食約而精,園蔬勝珍饈《格言聯璧》:博弈之交不終日,飲食之交不終月,勢力之交不終年,惟道義之交,可以終身.蓀多·麥克納波:節食比絕食更難。
* When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece. --John Ruskin * Trade which, without force or constraint, is naturally and regularly carried on between any two places, is always advantageous to both. --Adam Smith (1723-90): of Nations * Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be hope at all. --Dale Carnegie (1888-1955) * I have deep faith that the principle of the universe will be beautiful and simple. --Albert Einstein (1879-1955) * He kws the universe and does t know himself. --Jean de La Fontaine (1621-95) * We are born weak, we need strength; helpless, we need aid; foolish, we need reason. All that we lack at birth, all that we need when we come to man's estate, is the gift of education. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-78) * X plus Y plus Z equals success, with X being work, Y play, and Z, keeping your mouth shut. --Albert Einstein (1879-1955) * Truth in science can be defined as the working hypothesis best suited to open the way to the next better one. --Konrad Zacharias Lorenz (1903-89) * Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life. --Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) * The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible. -- C(harles) Clarke (1917-): The Lost Worlds of 2001 當愛和技巧時,期待一個杰作。
--約翰Ruskin (1819-1900) ,不用力量或限制,自然地和通常繼續在任何二個地方之間的*換,總是有利的對兩個。
--??: 財富國家 *在世界的重要的事由繼續進行嘗試,當那里似乎是沒有希望的多完成了。
--山谷(1888-1955) *我有深刻的信念宇宙的原則將是美好和簡單的。
--Albert Einstein (1879-1955) *他知道宇宙,并且不知道自己。
--吉恩?? de La Fontaine (1621-95) 我們是出生微弱的*,我們需要力量; 無能為力,我們需要援助; 愚蠢,我們需要原因。
--Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-78) * x正Y加上Z合計成功,當X是工作、Y戲劇和Z,保持您的嘴被關閉。
--Albert Einstein (1879-1955) *真相在科學可以被定義作為最適合于的可行的假說開辟道路到下更好一個。
--Konrad Zacharias洛倫茨(1903-89) *科學是組織的知識。
--Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) *發現極限唯一的方式可能是通過進入在他們之外不可能。
--C (harles) Clarke (1917-) : 失去的世界2001年